Showing posts with label Clint Eastwood. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Clint Eastwood. Show all posts

What Would You Do With a Check Signed by a Celebrity?

In his memoir, The Garner Files, actor James Garner mentions how when he got famous he couldn't go anywhere without someone approaching him for an autograph. Garner explains that he usually would just smile and write out his name, that it was easier than turning someone down and no feelings got hurt. According to Garner, Paul Newman stopped signing autographs after a guy approached him at urinal with a pen and paper. When the Dirty Harry films were in release, Garner says that Clint Eastwood used to get requests from people to autograph their guns. And Garner mentions that "Gary Cooper wrote checks for everything - gasoline, cigarettes, groceries, meals in restaurants - because he knew most of them wouldn't be cashed."

That got me thinking. If a celebrity wrote you a check for something, would you cash that check or frame it for the autograph?

That's a pretty clever idea on Gary Cooper's part.

Jersey Boys (2014) - Film Locations

Jersey Boys, the hit Broadway musical about Frankie Vallie and the Four Seasons, is getting the cinema treatment. The film version, directed by Clint Eastwood and starring Christopher Walken and Vincent Piazza, hits theaters on June 20, and a new trailer was released today. One thing I spotted immediately in the trailer was a scene that was clearly filmed on the Warner Bros. New York Street backlot set in Burbank, California. 

The below screenshot was taken from the trailer. As the movie has not yet been released, I don't know exactly what is taking place in the scene, but it looks like the band must be arriving to perform at a concert. Notice how with a little movie magic the film designers were able to change the background to appear differently from what the actual background looks like. If you go see this movie in theaters, keep your eyes open for this scene.

Click images to see larger.

A screenshot from Jersey Boys (2014).

The Warner Bros. New York Street backlot set.

A wider view of the Warner Bros. New York Street backlot set.

Below is the full trailer for Jersey Boys. I must admit, when I first heard that Clint Eastwood was directing a musical I was a bit skeptical, but the trailer looks interesting and I'm much more excited than I was before.

Official Trailer for Jersey Boys (2014).

So what do you think of this upcoming film?

All images (c) Warner Bros.