Showing posts with label Happy Mail. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Happy Mail. Show all posts

Having Fun & a Request for Help

I've been having lots of fun as you can see from this photo of what was on my desk last night.  I get kind of scattered and messy but it's how I create best. The ideas start pouring out the more ink I get on my fingers!  How about you?  How do you create?

Last night I found out about something going on during the month of February which apparently has been taking place for a while now ~ International Correspondence Writing Month (you can click on the link to read more about it).  I know of a couple friends who have crafty pen pals because they post their lovely correspondence on the FB pages and it's so much fun to see what they send/receive.  I don't have time to do it every month but I thought it would be fun to participate in February anyway. 

I think hand written correspondence in many circles has become a thing of the past. I think this is a great way to involve people and get them back into writing/sending cards and letters.

There is a section on the ICWM website to add your addy to a master list of sorts but I'm not comfortable doing so...  You know it's the internet and you just really never know who could be reading it or their purpose for doing so. I'm asking you for your help here...if you would like to receive a card with a handwritten message in the mail please e-mail me your addy (to: roni jj (at) g mail (dot) com (no spaces) and I'll add you to my card list! I'd like to send at least one card out each day but I'll send more if there are folks out there that would like to receive some happy mail :)

I promise I won't share your info with anyone...

Do you think you'd like to participate?

Please drop me a line, I'd love to hear from you.