Showing posts with label self worth. Show all posts
Showing posts with label self worth. Show all posts

I'm not your second choice neither your backup plan.

I'm not your second choice neither your backup plan. So don't text me when you're bored.

A woman who doesn't know her worth will settle for less than she deserves

A woman who doesn't know her worth will settle for less than she deserves and finds herself trapped in a mess that's even harder to get out of. Women without boundaries will soon be women without respect. You set the standard of how you should be treated. It's not cockiness or pride, it's value. Just because someone desires you doesn't mean they value you. No matter how good they look or

I don't do fakeness.

I don't do fakeness. You may not like what I say but you'll always know where you stand with me. If my actions tell you that I like you then I'm not acting. I'm a genuine person. It hasn�t always been that way but people learn and they grow. I don't understand being nice to someone's face and then shit talking them behind their back. I don't understand not being upfront and forthcoming about

You are not a back-up plan.

You are not a back-up plan.
You are not a back-up plan. You are worth more than someone�s second choice. You can�t force yourself to stop caring for someone, but you can tell yourself that you deserve better. Never settle to be someone�s second best. Raise your standards and choose to be with someone who will treat you with the same respect and consideration you would treat them. You can�t