Showing posts with label strong. Show all posts
Showing posts with label strong. Show all posts

Yes, I�m a little bruised, slightly broken, and permanently scarred...

Yes, I�m a little bruised, slightly broken, and permanently scarred but I�m still here, aren�t I? I�m still fighting, I�m still waking up every day to go through it all over again. This life may be hard as hell but it�s still a gift and I�m going to live every moment of it.

And suddenly she found herself grateful.

And suddenly she found herself grateful. Grateful for all the darkness, the heartbreak and the betrayal because it allowed her to recognize true love when she found it. And she knew without a doubt, that all the broken, shattered forgotten pieces of her soul were worth putting back together again because she became her beloved and found new light and love along the way.

My scars remind me that I did indeed survive my deepest wounds.

My scars remind me that I did indeed survive my deepest wounds. That in itself is an accomplishment. And they bring to mind something else, too. They remind me that the damage life has inflicted on me has, in many places, left me stronger and more resilient. What hurt me in the past has actually made me better equipped to face the present.

Steve Goodier

Maybe some things don�t get better, but we do.

Maybe some things don�t get better, but we do. We get stronger. We learn to live with our situations as messy and ugly as they are. We fix what we can and we adapt to what we can�t. Maybe some of us will never be fully okay, but at least we�re here. We�re still trying. We�re doing the best we can. That�s worth celebrating too. If you�re reading this, congratulations, you made it to today. You

I am a strong woman.

I am a strong woman, and I have been through a whole heck of a lot more emotional stuff than this. If I don't succeed at things in my life, it won't be the end of my world, I will persevere and pick myself up again; like I always do and keep moving forward. Because that's what I do...I fall back and then fly forward. If I have to start over to make things better, I will with my dignity intact

Be strong and know when enough is enough...

Seriously, be strong and know when enough is enough. Take your stand, speak up and refuse to let others hurt you. Throughout your lifetime some people will discredit you, disrespect you and treat you poorly for no apparent reason at all. Don�t consume yourself with trying to change them or win their approval. And don�t make any space in your heart to hate them. You don�t have control over

Being strong is to love someone in silence...

Being strong is to love someone in silence, to radiate happiness when we are unhappy, to forgive someone who does not deserve forgiveness, to stay calm in moments of despair, to show joy when we do not feel it, to smile when we want to cry, to make someone happy when our own heart is broken, to be silent when we feel like screaming our anguish, to comfort when we need to be comforted, and to

Sometimes being strong is not about being brave and smiling all the time.

Sometimes being strong is not about being brave and smiling all the time. Sometimes it's not about acting as if you're the happiest person in the world. Sometimes it's not about holding everything together when everything around you seems to be falling apart. Sometimes you have to humble yourself, swallow your pride, put your brave face away and break down. Hug someone who loves you as much

The sexiest woman is not the one with a curvaceous figure or a voluptuous personality.

The sexiest woman is not the one with a curvaceous figure or a voluptuous personality. A woman is not sexy because she can do a beautiful catwalk on the ramp. A woman is sexy because she stands tall despite the mess in her life. The sexiest woman is the one who has a broken heart, a wounded soul and a sad past but still carries herself with grace and dignity. The sexiness of a woman lies in